ADHD Coaching for Leaders & Professionals


The Global Creative Blog

Delegate More, Commit to Less


When contemplating division of work and the opportunity to delegate a task, how often do you find yourself saying, “It will be quicker if I do it myself!”

Maybe in the short run but how about the long run?  Will it really be quicker?

Probably not.

If you want to get the most of your team members let them do the job they were hired to do and shrink your task list at the same time.

So why do Global Creatives delegate less and commit to more tasks, growing our task list when we know it would be better to delegate or collaborate?

  • We think it is too late to ask for help.

  • We think it will be easier to do it ourselves.

  • We see asking for help as a sign of weakness.

  • We catch a little buzz from pouncing on new stuff (no kidding)

Being a good team member is not always easy for those with a ‘wild and fluid’ brain, AKA ADHD.  The overly enthusiastic Global Creative team leader can bluster through role boundaries mainly because he doesn’t have a good boundary indicator established.  You can’t address what you don’t see.  He sees a problem or an opportunity and he goes for ‘the kill’.  Shiny object meets disinhibition and we’ve got full blown hyper-focus.  Problem solved, the account saved but the damage can far outweigh the benefit of a short sighted win.  A boss or manager swooping in to a team member's area without permission or communication will foster all kinds of bad ju-ju - lost trust, resentment and a less confident team member wondering when the next ambush will occur.

The Global Creative’s associative style of processing has him pay attention more to connections than rules.  He loves solving problems and solving problems is all about making new connections.  ADHD also masks the clear boundaries readily seen by more linear sequential types.  When you are focused on making hyper-quick connections, you don’t pay attention to boundaries.

Step back and consider at a strategic level your ultimate definition of success.  It's not about the next meal.  It's about an orchestrated approach to providing sustenance for the long term.  We know this is only possible with a team effort.  This is only accomplished when specific roles are clarified, delineated and respected.


  • Pay attention and erect some boundary markers. Staying in your strength zone is a good start. Delineate your 'hunting grounds' from others on your team and admit when you fly into their 'air space'.

  • Get clear on expectations based in effective communication.

  • Give team members an avenue to voice ‘territory infiltration’ without retribution from the big man.

  • Commit to a daily huddle where opportunities are identified, challenges are aired and most important, work is identified and distributed to the right people.

  • "Swoop in" together-People don't mind swooping and actually enjoy the added energy injection when it is a joint effort.

  • Get clear on the best outcome for all. This is completion thinking with a dose of positive accountability.